
发布部门:生物与医学工程学院 发布时间:2024-11-28




陈勋,博士,中国科学院上海免疫与感染研究所研究员。2014年于华中农业大学获得博士学位,2014年至2019年于美国佛蒙特大学医学院进行博士后研究,2020-2024年于日本京都大学医学部先后任特任研究员和助理教授职位。目前在Cell GenomicsGenome Research等国际知名杂志上发表论文20余篇,其中9篇唯一一作。主持过日本学术振兴会基金等项目。



1. 病毒组、致癌病毒及其治病机理

2. 内源性逆转录病毒和相关锌指蛋白在免疫应答中的作用和机制

3. 免疫系统进化,个体免疫差异和免疫力定量

4. 肿瘤、病原体感染和免疫疾病的多组学研究



1. Charles J. Epstein Trainee Award for Excellence in Human Genetics Research2017

2. The Association of Chinese Geneticists in America Trainee Awardees—2017





近五年发表论著情况(* First-author; # Corresponding-author)

Chen X#*, Zhang JC, Yan YZ, Bourque G*, Inoue F*: Cryptic endogenous retroviruses subfamilies in the primate lineage. BioRxiv. 2024, Under revision with Nature Communications

Ren H#*, Chen X#*, Wang J#, Chen Y, Gandhi S, Bueker A, Tu L, Xiao Q, Fu S, Madireddy A, Li WW, Cao J*: Temporal and structural patterns of hepatitis B virus insertions in hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Medical Virology. 2023 Oct;95:e29187

Chen X#, Pacis A, Aracena A, Gona S, Kwan T, Groza C, Lin YL, Sindeaux R, Yotova V, Pramatarova A, Simon MM, Pastinen T, Barreiro L, Bourque G*: Transposable elements are associated with the variable response to influenza infection. Cell Genomics. 2023 May;3(5):100292

Mathkar PP#, Chen X*, Sulovari A, and Li D*: Characterization of hepatitis B virus integrations identified in hepatocellular carcinoma genomes. Viruses. 2021 Jan;13(2):245

Chen X#, Li D*: Sequencing facility and DNA source associated patterns of virus-mappable reads in whole-genome sequencing data. Genomics. 2021 Jan;113:1189-1198

Chen X#, Kost J, Sulovari A, Wong N, Liang WS, Cao J, and Li D*: A virome-wide clonal integration analysis platform for discovering cancer viral etiologies. Genome Research. 2019 May;29(5):819-830

Chen X#, Li D*: ERVcaller: Identifying polymorphic endogenous retrovirus and other transposable element insertions using whole-genome sequencing data. Bioinformatics. 2019 Oct;35(20):3913-3922

Chen X#, Kost J, Li D*: Comprehensive comparative analysis of methods and software for identifying viral integrations. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2019 Nov 27; 20(6):2088-2097



